Puppy & Kitten

posted: by: Catrina S. Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

A new puppy or kitten is always a welcomed addition to a family. However, when choosing this new addition, there are a few very important things to consider.

1.    Is this animal the right breed or the right fit for my family and our lifestyle?

Some breeds require a lot of exercise, and or grooming. If you do not have the time to devote to the animal, perhaps reconsider your choice.

2.    Timing.

A new pet should not be a spur of the moment decision. Take your time when looking to adopt a new pet, do not rush into something you will later regret. If you are going through a separation, or have a new baby on the way that will require most of your time and energy, perhaps this is not the best time.

3.    Costs.

Owning a pet can be costly. It is important to consider the costs involved with owning a pet. These include: adoption fees, annual examination and vaccination costs, spaying or neutering, licensing, food and medication costs, as well as any unexpected accidents or illnesses that may require emergency care.

4.    Commitment.

A new puppy or kitten is a 10 – 18 years commitment on average. Be prepared to care for this animal for a long time to come. This beloved family member should be finding a forever home with you and not just a home until –you get a new job and no longer have time for it, move away and have to leave it behind, your kids lose interest, or you decide it’s too much work after all.

So when choosing that special addition to the family take your time and do your research, because every pet deserves a forever home. And please always consider a rescue, because they all deserve a second chance.